The Benefits of Barefoot for Your Horse

The Benefits of Barefoot for Your Horse

Renegade® Hoof Boots were created because we believe that barefoot hooves are better for the horse. Over the years since our Hoof Boots were first launched in 2007, more research has illuminated that being barefoot can have dramatic wide-ranging health benefits for horses, from sounder hooves and less lameness; to gut health and better whole-horse wellness. 

Quite honestly, we could talk about the benefits of horses being barefoot for days, but for your sake we have trimmed our list down. Here's our top seven reasons for a horse to go barefoot.

7 Ways Barefoot Hooves are Better for Your Horse


1. Better Natural Shock Absorption

Barefoot hooves naturally absorb shock, reducing the risk of tendon and joint injury through repetitive strain. As well as sideways expansion when a hoof loads, a natural hoof also contracts at the heel during rollover, and both of these natural flexions are inhibited by nailing on a metal horseshoe.

Then we need to also take into account that the impact of trotting increases the Ground Reaction Force by up to 2-3 times the horse's body weight, and canter or a hard gallop exacerbates the impact further - and the force on each of a horse’s limbs when landing after a jump are huge "we're talking tonnes" says Professor Roepstorff, who is currently studying barefoot vs shod hooves at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

By lifting a horse's sole and frog off the ground, metal shoes put additional stress on the structure of the hoof wall, exposing the very important laminae to forces they are not designed to handle, which hoof experts believe can create inflammation, pain and disrupt blood flow.

Equine biomechanics experts also propose that the flat impact of a metal shoe with no frog contact prevents the force from being dissipated throughout the intended structures in the hoof, and sends more of the impact straight up the limb. We often have riders tell us that they can actually feel the impact of the metal shoe before they switch to hoof boots.

So, a barefoot horse will experience less Ground Force Impact than a horse shod in metal shoes. If you put Renegade® hoof boots on your barefoot horse they will experience even less impact - especially with the ultra-cushy Viper Vivids™

2. Enhanced Hoof and Leg Circulation

Without the mechanical restriction of shoes on their hooves, your horse's hoof can expand and contract naturally, improving blood flow which facilitates healing, growth and hoof health. In addition to the effect in the horse's hooves, their legs can also get better circulation which helps the tendons and tissues in their legs and chest get the healing and health benefits of natural blood flow also. 

As well as the hoof expansion boosting circulation, when a barefoot horse steps on the ground, the ground pushes upward on the frog, and this compression on the horse's frog and the underlying digital cushion pushes blood out of the digital cushion and helps pump it back up the leg against the force of gravity - aiding the progress of moving de-oxygenated blood out of the hoof toward the heart.

Conversely, shoeing a horse essentially takes the very important frog out of the equation by preventing contact with the ground, so horses wearing metal shoes miss out on this compression and may have more CO2-heavy blood left in the limb and hoof.

Preventing the frog from pressing on the ground also changes the horse's hoof loading biomechanics and this can contribute to atrophy in the hoof structure.  

"The finding announced at this stage is that when unshod, the movement in the hoof is “freer and larger”, specifically widening over the heels, and contraction of heels during the breakover. There was also more vertical independent movement in the barefoot hoof ... Everyone talks of the hoof as a pump. If we see not only widening but contraction, it could be two things contributing to increased blood flow [to the leg], which is also important in rehab.”
- Prof Roepstorff, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

3. Improved Hoof Health

Barefoot horses often have stronger healthier hooves due to normal circulation, natural wear and better hoof growth. Lever force on the hoof is reduced because it can wear to its natural length, and hooves not have nail holes that weaken the hoof wall and let bacteria in.

Metal horse shoes can create growth irregularities due to peripheral loading and incorrect balance, so with good barefoot trimming your horse's hooves may also have better angles resulting in less strain on their tendons

4. Farrier Cost Savings

Barefoot hoof care is generally much cheaper than having a farrier put on new metal shoes every 4-5 weeks, and is something that with good training and research, many horse owners learn to do well themselves. 

Plus, Renegade® Hoof Boots offer very long lasting hoof protection, making them a smart investment for your horse's wellbeing - and easier on your wallet. It's a win-win! Our Viper Shield™ hoof boots in particular should last you 800-1000 miles - that's a lot of sets of metal horseshoes worth! One of our team recently rode 100 miles in her Viper Glow™ hoof boots, and while her boots were good as new, metal shoes were being worn to a shred and replaced on many of the other competitors horses.

5. Better hoof traction 

Barefoot horses often have better traction than shod horses on different surfaces (especially wet tarmac) as more of the horse's hoof comes into play, with the sole and frog and heels all doing their part in keeping the horse steady and you safe.

If your horse wears Viper™ Hoof Boots, the serious tactical tread delivers exceptional grip on grass, snow, rocks and dirt. If you're doing something where you need additional grip, you can order custom Renegade® hoof boots with studs welded in.

6. Less likelihood of accidental injury

Because let's face it, vets bills are a horse owner's kryptonite!

An unshod horse cannot get its shoe hooked on wire, cut its own leg with a nail-studded shoe which has come half off, stand on a shoe bristling with nails in the field, or kick its field-buddy (or owner!) with as much brutal force as a metal shoe will deliver. Even having your toe stood on won't be quite as awful.

7. Full body well-being for your horse

Movement is medicine for horses. Freedom to move and healthy hooves can benefit them in so many ways!

Physically, a horse that moves well on healthy hooves is less likely to have strain or pain in their legs - which will inevitably cause imbalances which transfer through their body causing secondary pain in their muscles and even their spine.

Horse owners who take their horses barefoot often see decreased arthritis, less laminitis, spinal mobility, better muscle development and fuller range of motion, and even better digestion. All these aspects of your horse's well-being can improve when they are in less pain, and have better circulation and metabolic condition from moving more.

In summary - We love barefoot!

Barefoot hooves can work as they were designed to, absorbing impact effectively to protect joints and tendons, reducing mechanical strain on the horse's limbs and body, and boosting circulation for all the amazing health benefits that good blood flow delivers.

Go barefoot for a healthier, more comfortable horse, and spend your savings on something nice... for your horse of course!